Design review meeting for sculpture and visitor center at east entrance of Changyu Dongtian scenic spot


    Recently, the landscape sculpture and visitor center design review meeting will be held in the conference room of the city tourism bureau. Taizhou municipal tourism bureau, wenling municipal people's congress, municipal government office, development and reform bureau, finance bureau, tourism bureau, xinhe town government, China academy of fine arts, changyu tongtian scenic spot company and other units formed an expert group to participate in the review meeting.


    Review meeting, the panel reviewed the long island adit day east entrance landscape sculpture design plan, the design of long island adit day visitor center ", listened to Shanghai han stone sculpture art co., LTD and China academy of unit project director of the report, the panel agreed that the east entrance landscape sculpture and the visitors center construction is a key project of 5 a, is an important part of the scenic area construction, the panel at the same time also on building stone material choice and local culture, etc. Put forward opinions and Suggestions. Sculpture stone must be consistent with the existing double door adit gate stone, relief design to combine with the local humanities. The visitor center as a whole should maintain harmony with the door adit, and grasp the progress and quality.

(article: guo yuting)