Changyu Dongtian scenic spot continued to carry out the rectification of religious places


    Recently, wenling city tourism bureau deputy director lu lingfeng led the team to shiliang temple and li kuang memorial hall and other religious places to supervise and inspect the special treatment work, to find the problem, put forward rectification requirements on the spot. Since the rectification action of religious places in July 2014, such problems as disorderly stacking in the religious places in the scenic spot, no strict separation between the living area and the tourist area, the material of the building's facade not conforming to the ecological requirements, the disorder of the three lines, non-standard signs and illegal buildings have been significantly improved.

    Lu lingfeng, deputy director, stressed that the rectification of religious places on the one hand is to make contributions to the construction of the scenic spot, on the other hand, by taking the opportunity to create 5A, experts are dedicated to the promotion of religious places, religious places are also benefit, and finally achieve the joint promotion of the scenic spot and religious places win-win. The person in charge of each place of worship said they would actively cooperate and speed up the rectification work.

(article: guo yuting)